Our unique place in the world.

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The hard facts.

Aotearoa is home to many unique species of birds, reptiles and plants. Many of our species are found nowhere else on Earth, evolving over 85 million years since splitting from the supercontinent of Gondwana. This has left many species vulnerable to introduced predators such as rats, stoats and possums.

We have one of the highest rates of threatened species in the world. Over 70% of our native birds and reptiles are endangered. These populations are continuing to decline with over 25 million birds killed each year by introduced predators.

A predator free movement is now sweeping the country as people realise we are the last generation that can save our unique species. The Muriwai and Waimauku community are supporting the vision to be predator free by 2050.


Coastal wildlife

The cliffs, coastline and sand dunes of the rugged Muriwai coast are home to a number of species that require our protection. This include the tākapu (Gannet), ōi (Grey-faced Petrel) tara (front terns), kororā (Little penguin) and muriwai gecko.


Bush wildlife

Muriwai and Waimauku contain significant areas of native bush. We want to restore this bush to its previous state, supporting thriving populations of native birds including tūī, korimako (bellbird), kererū (wood pigeon) and many more species. In our lifetime we would like to be able to reintroduce Kiwi into Goldies bush.

Introduced predators

  • rats.

    Three species of rats have been introduced into NZ (Kiore, Norway, Ship). Rats are omnivores, eating wildlife and plants. Rats are prolific breeders, a population can swell from two rats to thousands in one year.

  • possums.

    The possum was introduced from Australia for fur and there are now over 30 million possums in NZ. They have a significant impact on both our native plants and wildlife. They have been observed eating bird eggs and chicks.

  • mustelids.

    There are three types of mustelid that have been introduced into NZ; Stoats, Weasels and Ferrets. They have the biggest impact on our natives species as they are very smart and capable carnivores.

Want to make a difference?